It's a conspiracy!

Of all the major bloggers I've read, Tyler Cowen is the only one that would link to a story like this not even a suggestion of supporting evidence.

Subliminal Messaging

A group is challenging the rule of chess which states that white moves first is racist; it just perpetuates the image that whites make moves and blacks have to adjust to it. How they plan to change the rule I don't know. I saw this on television. Who they would sue to have this changed is beyond me. The US Chess federation, the group that makes the rules for American chess, would be a good place to start. If they plan to make this a simple suggestion, it will probably be dismissed as idiotic. If they want to make it a suit, this could be the biggest subliminal message suit since all the rock music was almost found to tell kids to kill.

Subliminal messaging indeed.

(by the way, Instapundit isn't a blogger.)

Posted by Prometheus 6 on March 9, 2004 - 4:35pm :: Seen online