Internet April Fools Day Joke Compendium

like Louis Theroux

Thanks be to the radically distributed nature of teh Intahweb, instead of (say) two or three weak jokes being enforced on us by the goliath media conglomerate juntahs, we can now suffer billions of April Fool japes, merrily filling up your inbox, clogging your RSS feed, and archiving and indexing themselves for eternity - to the point where the whole tradition has moved from "an excuse for funny jokes" to "day of the tedious lies". The funniest ones remain the self-reflexive fools: Google Mail *chortle*, Freeserve renaming itself Wanadoo *snurk*... and, for us, this wording on a recent Dreamweaver Upgrade FAQ:

"Q. Is there any new functionality in this update? A. This update does not add any new functionality to Dreamweaver MX 2004. We wanted to offer the updater to our users for free and, to comply with US accounting rules, we couldn't include any additional functionality and not charge for it."

Excellent prank on the already jittery Free Software Movement, Macromedia. In America, you legally can't provide features *without* charging money? Told you we should have fought the TANSTAAFL* Act of 2003 while we had the chance, comrades!

TANSTAAFL = There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 2, 2004 - 1:06pm :: Seen online