What is "freedom" anyway?

I'm not REALLY picking on Dean. It's just a non-facetious question occurred to me based on his comment:

If you really think that freedom and democracy are "terms of art," when referring to nations such as Australia, Spain, the United Kingdom, Poland and the rest of the Eastern European nations, I really don't think we have even a basis for discussion, because we have no common ground.

What I'd like, based on the commonly heard "They hate us for our freedom," "Free nations will act to disarm…" and such, and (frankly) the nit-pickingly precise analysis the Bush administration has proved necessary to extract what they mean and believe from what they actually say, I'd like a definition of "free" and "freedom" that applies equally to all the nations in the Iraq Invasion Coalition.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on March 13, 2004 - 8:37am :: News