People of color should be in charge

That title doesn't mean what you're thinking.

D.C. Thornton at the rather appropriately named says:

I want a leader with crystal-clear understanding that crimes against humanity must be AVENGED, not appeased. John Kerry is not an avenger, he is an appeaser.

As much as I'm not all enamored about President Bush on a lot of domestic issues, I must give him credit on national security and terrorism: He gets it.

Matthew Yglesias at the equally appropriately named says:

Most Europeans were plenty serious about terrorism before this happened. So was the Democratic Party. It was George W. Bush who, along with José Maria Aznar, Tony Blair, and Silvio Berlusconi who decided that terrorism was such a serious problem that it should be pretty much ignored except insofar as it was a useful rhetorical prop for the selling of an unrelated war.

D.C also say (same post):

The day John Kerry presents a kick-ass anti-terror plan that beats current strategy is the day I'll support him and vote for him. It's not going to happen though, because Kerry sees terrorism as a police matter instead of a national security matter, and he wants to render our sovereignty and military impotent before a weak and spineless United Nations.


It's a life-or-death situation in the world today. You can lay down in denial and die if you want to. Just get the hell out of the way so the rest of us can fight to live.

I say I'm more concerned about getting struck by lightning than getting caught up in a terrorist attack because the odds are greater. And the weak and spineless United Nations is Bush's only hope right now. And the current plan ain't so hot. Kerry doesn't need a kick-ass plan. He just needs one that doesn't set the majority of nations against us. And I'm not talking governments, I'm talking the people—the citizens. I am by no means even familiar with Spanish politics, but I do know enough of the population was against getting involved in Iraq that Aznar's party was by no means assured of reelection, even if that bomb hadn't gone off.

The other thing, the thing that I'm absolutely sure of, is that the guys D.C. doesn't like have the exact same outlook he has…that they are fighting crimes against humanity.

Setting aside the terrorist tactics for 15 seconds (not even a as much as a minute because they genuinely stink to high heaven) I can see how they feel they are under assault by the USofA and its culture. The Religious Right© in our own country feels the same way (proof of the common roots of Islam and Christianity that the extremists in each have the same visceral reaction).

What I want in people responsible for wielding the puissant force of our nation and economy is someone who can see not only the shades of gray but the full spectrum of reality. The Bushistas fail this test. Miserably.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on March 14, 2004 - 9:53pm :: Random rant