Spending too much time at Pandagon today

There's a college freshman, a philosophy major running a blog. That alone should let you know how deep the doo-doo is capable of becoming. Said college freshman is apparently a big-L Libertarian.

Where's the Three Strikes laws when you need it most?

Said blog is named Hot Abercrombie Chick! and immediately joins the list of unlinked references.

Common arguments in support of welfare often say something to the effect that the needy require assistance to live, state welfare programs serve the greater good, etc. And of course there are others--maybe not better arguments, but still others. This is a general counter-argument that will probably cover most common arguments in favor of state-supported welfare, and is made under the assumption that we find theft, burglary, and destruction of others' properties to be somehow immoral.

The question is this:
If, in any situation, we find it justifiable for any person or group to take the property of any other person without the consent of the other (whether by force, or threats of jail, etc.), we cannot argue that there is anything intrinsically wrong with that act. On what, then, do we base our objections to theft?

Do you consent to live in this country under the rule of law, you little Y & R refugee? If so, pay your taxes. If not Get Out.

Why do I act as ignorant as you? After all you have inexperience as an excuse.

Because I remember Two Wongs Make It White.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on March 16, 2004 - 12:50pm :: Economics

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Oh No! You didn't really waste your time at that site, did you? Arrghh! I gave myself a headache there last week, when she was complaining about how unfair it was for people to go to prison for only downloading child porn.

You can send 'em to college, but you can't make 'em learn.

Posted by  amarettiXL (not verified) on March 16, 2004 - 6:29pm.

I knew when I heard of this "chicks" site a few weeks ago that it was a waste of my time to check it out more than once. Nice to see that I have been proven correct.

Posted by  walter (not verified) on March 16, 2004 - 8:40pm.


I think it best expressed by a wise old saying I made up:

You can stick a horse's head underwater but you can't make him think.


Trust me, I'd have never known about this particular idiocy if Ezra hadn't posted about it. His reaction was pretty sane: "I wouldn't even react if this crap wasn't so common." I think that if a good overall position to take relative to her stuff.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on March 16, 2004 - 8:50pm.

You guys remind of the people who read Playboy "For the interviews":

"O yeah, I surfed to Hot Abe Chick and read about..."

yeah right.

Posted by  dof (not verified) on March 17, 2004 - 8:10am.

It's more like a white guy who checked out Jet Magazine because he heard they have pictures of Hot Black Chicks…but there's only one per issue, and she's nowhere near naked enough to make him put up with the rest of the magazine.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on March 17, 2004 - 9:59am.