Yes I am ignoring you all

Got some interesting experiments I'm running here. I figure the political world can stand a couple fewer rants. I should be back to my normal rate of posting tomorrow.

Maybe. I have to admit, though I've been busy and creative in other ways, Juliette's comment about my not having been particularly original in this space lately struck a nerve. It was a stub-your-toe nerve, not an I-need-a-root-canal nerve.

When I started blogging the idea was to get in one substantive post per day. Recently I've been piling stuff onto my plate like it's my last chance to eat. This happens periodically. When I recognize it I try to get some focus, pare things back a bit…but this time there's not many things I'm willing to give up. And there's but so much new stuff you can squeeze out of one head in a given amount of time…even so big a head as my own.

But new stuff there shall be. And I will try to do some more thoughtful posts. I don't know how that will impact my blogging volume though. I guess we will see.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on March 25, 2004 - 8:14am :: Tech

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