Through the looking glass

Thank you, Professor Kim (who, by the way, does a lot more quality writing than humor referral)

"USA Today Scandal A Threat To White Privilege, Mediocrity"

My Caucasians, oh my Caucasians, what doth the future hold?

A pasty white, middle-class, middle-aged brother has been exposed by USA Today as a monumental fabricator and plagiarist, making the work of Jayson Blair look like a Sunday School picnic. The malpractice of foreign correspondent Jack Kelley, which he denies before a mountain of damning evidence, threatens to focus suspicion on the work of white, middle-aged journalists everywhere.

For decades, we white journalists have rolled the rock up the mountain of Caucasian privilege. You know, my white brothers, of what I speak: the privilege to sit in the newsroom on our scrawny white asses, avoid eye contact with our editors, promise to "get to that assignment" when we have a chance, and (these days) slip out for a venti double mocha nonfat latte -- in short, the privilege to sidestep any challenge to our deeply ingrained right to mediocrity. No, we shall not be moved. 'Cause we own the place.

Until now, that is.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on March 28, 2004 - 11:14pm :: Seen online