Ralph Nader is just dense

Reason to Run? Nader Argues He Has Plenty


WASHINGTON, March 30 — Ralph Nader knows all the arguments against him. He can recite, word for importuning word, the letters from old friends urging him not to run for president — "all individually written, all stunningly similar" — and he does so with the theatrical relish of a man whose public life has been one long, unyielding argument with the world.

"Here's how it started," he said, his soft voice taking on mock oratorical tones over dinner with a group of aides in Charlotte, N.C., last week: "For years, I've thought of you as one of our heroes." He rolled his eyes. "The achievements you've attained are monumental, in consumer, environmental, etc., etc." He paused for effect. "But this time, I must express my profound disappointment at indications that you are going to run."

"And the more I got of these," Mr. Nader said, "the more I realized that we are confronting a virus, a liberal virus. And the characteristic of a virus is when it takes hold of the individual, it's the same virus, individual letters all written in uncannily the same sequence. Here's another characteristic of the virus: Not one I can recall ever said, 'What are your arguments for running?' "

That's just a sign of failing mental health. Of course we all asked about his arguments for running. We just phrased it differently, i.e., "What the HELL is on your mind?"

Posted by Prometheus 6 on March 31, 2004 - 8:15am :: Politics

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It's harder for me to ignore Nader like you asked when you keep posting about him ;-)

I support his right to run if he wants to, especially if he feels that issues that are important to him aren't being addressed by the other candidates. In my opinion, that's the best of all reasons for running for president. I also dislike the people who implicitly try to threaten him out of running or to threaten people out of voting for him by accusing them of re-electing Bush. This is a free country and taking part in the political process is one of a person's most fundamental rights.

Gore didn't lose in 2000 and there are at least a dozen reasons he didn't win it going away, only one of which is Nader and the other eleven of which are the lousy campaign that he ran.

And, strange as it may seem, most Nader voters that I know are planning to hold their noses and vote for Kerry, despite the Democratic party not having done anything positive to earn our vote in the last four years.

Unless your Nader posts are directed at someone in particular that you've chosen not to name, I tend to think you're beating a dead horse :-)

Posted by  Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on March 31, 2004 - 6:20pm.

I don't know, he just irritates me.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on March 31, 2004 - 7:35pm.

ralph has a vision, I cannot get mad for him following that. The cause he seeks is very noble aside from his vested interests...

I tried to get dems to back a green in Zell Miller's race, since he is a repub backstabber. And in return they would keep nader off some ballots in swing and diebold states.

Then the greens get a senator who would vote with Dems, and we would rid ourselves a poser and set an example for punks like Lie-berman.

Plus the Greens could work with us better, all neocons are about is gridlocks. If the repubs do not have the presidency they will shut down the gov't on budget.

Much better to have a party in that shares your enviro/social platform...for opposition.

And it would balance the platform for any ticket.

The republicans need their party back, neocons have stained the party ranks. Nader just helps the lowest common denominator crowd stay in. Let's work with them elsewhere, and they get a guy into the big picture to really help work for change and learn the ropes of give and take.

No party gets to go all their way, unless of course there is a 9-11 type of event and no balance of power. Rethink our take on things, work the greens in elsewhere and get their support. We can take over the wedge votes with their help, they reach people who Reps and Dems can't...

Posted by  Mr.Murder (not verified) on March 31, 2004 - 11:12pm.

I'm really not too concerned with Ralph Nader as an individual or his personality. It's the principle of the thing, you know ;-)

Posted by  Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on April 1, 2004 - 12:49am.