Here's a bit of protectionism I can get behind

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 2, 2004 - 7:40am.
on Economics

No Homeland Security contracts to any company that moved out of the U.S. to evade taxes.


The NYT reports, "the Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday named Accenture as the prime contractor for a multibillion-dollar project" focused on border security. Accenture received the contract even though it recently moved its headquarters to Bermuda to avoid federal taxes. Two years ago, when Congress considered legislation to create the Department of Homeland Security, Accenture lobbied against legislation by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) that would have barred the new department's contracts from going to corporations which exploit tax loopholes and move to tax havens during a time of war. When DeLauro's amendment passed, Accenture used its considerable clout and campaign contributions to have the measure stripped out of the final bill. Now, those efforts have paid off, with Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA) noting the Bush administration has "awarded the largest homeland security contract in history to a company that has given up its U.S. citizenship and moved to Bermuda."

Yes, it's another Center for American Progress thang.