More proof Republicans can't win if they represent themselves honestly

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 2, 2004 - 3:09am.
on Politics

via dKos

File under Republicans are hypocritical idiots.

In "Kerryopoly," the Republican National Committee roasts the Democratic presidential candidate with an online satire of his well-heeled lifestyle.

Players begin with just $40,000 in Kerryopoly money, the average national household income. "After a few trips around the board, most players will be millions of dollars in debt, proving that John Kerry's lifestyle is out of reach and out of sync with most Americans," RNC communications director Jim Dyke said in a statement.

Three leading Republicans in the federal government -- President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee -- are multimillionaires. Asked Tuesday if their lifestyles also were out of reach of most Americans, RNC spokeswoman Christine Iverson responded "no" but declined to elaborate.

Seriously, if they are going to run a story on this "game", the least the AP reporter could do is force the RNC spokeswoman to elaborate.

Because class warfare against Kerry won't work unless, well, Bush's class is different than Kerry's. But leave it to Bush campaign to make being a millionaire a negative, as though their own guys ever had to do an honest day's work in their lives. What's next? An attack on Kerry's Vietnam service?

Oh, wait....