The ad to end all blogging

At least for today.

I just left a comment on a blog which was attempting to dismiss yesterday's PDB release as inconsequential. Immediately after submitting it, I thought to myself something along the lines of, "Well THAT was useless."

I think the news is starting to get to me.

So I grab a magazine and there's this ad for

SEASONALE. The daily birth control pill that lets you have just 4 periods a year.

Ye. Gods.

This is really one of those topics, like abortion, which as a man I have no business weighing in on. I understand Aunt Flo is quite the bitch and this product may well have been some woman's idea. But damn doesn't anyone think about the distortion this represents? Birth control pills are bad enough along these lines.

I guess not. We got pills to "cure" shyness nowadays.

Bah. I'm going to spend the rest o fthe day watching Stargate SG-1. I got the 6th season, so I can delete the MPEGs of it that I downloaded.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 11, 2004 - 12:58pm :: Random rant

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Knowing the blog of which you speak, I must agree that it was a waste of time. You will find no wish for informed debate there, only the desire of dittohead to have their stupidity reinforced.

Posted by  walter (not verified) on April 11, 2004 - 10:32pm.

They'd say the same about us.

The difference, of course, being that they'd be wrong. :-)

I'm not gonna pick on them anymore for a while, though. Explaining to folks they're answering the question they want to answer instead of the one I asked wears thin quickly.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on April 11, 2004 - 11:03pm.