
I do still read other progressive blogs. Every so often you get something of a jaw-dropper. This one was pointed to by Eschaton so you've probably seen it. But because certain folks think surprisingly well of them, and because one presumptuous person who blogs at TheBlackRepublican (who, you may recall, is not Black) iinvited a few of LGFers into my place…no misbehavior from them, btw…I'm linking to a quiz to see if you can guess which of a series of really xenophobic quotes came from Little Green Footballs and which from Late German Fascists.

WARNING: Those who would sooner pluck out their eyes than load an LGF page…and they are legion…should not hit the links for "certain people" and "invited a few LGFers".

Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 12, 2004 - 8:23am :: Seen online

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I tried to get into the quiz but the site is down. Probably brought down by all the traffic from Atrios, LOL.

I would sooner stab myself in the eye with a burning hot poker than load LGF in my browser. There used to be somebody who frequents LGF who would invite people to my site by posting sexually degrading comments about me. He seems to have mostly given that up but he still comes trolling around my blog every now and then. Sigh.

Posted by  Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on April 12, 2004 - 3:51pm.