Oh yeah, that's REAL likely to happen

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 1, 2004 - 2:59am.
on War

New Iraqi President Calls for 'Full Sovereignty'
Tue Jun 1, 2004 07:01 AM ET

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's new president said in his first public remarks after being appointed on Tuesday that he wanted the United Nations Security Council to grant the country "full sovereignty" in a resolution now under discussion.
"We the Iraqis look forward to being granted full sovereignty through a Security Council resolution to enable us to rebuild a free, independent, democratic and federal unified homeland," Ghazi Yawar told a news conference.

Hoshiyar Zebari, newly reappointed as foreign minister on Tuesday by Prime Minister-designate Iyad Allawi, was heading for New York to lobby the United Nations for full sovereignty when the U.S. occupation authority relinquishes power on June 30.

It was not clear if Zebari would ask for amendments to the draft resolution on Iraqi sovereignty proposed by the United States and Britain. Yawar last week, as head of the Iraqi Governing Council, criticized the draft for giving too little control to Iraqis over U.S. troops remaining on their soil.