Were those threats more specific than the one against New York?

WHY DID ASHCROFT STOP FLYING COMMERCIAL AIRLINES PRIOR TO 9/11?: Months before 9/11 Ashcroft began "traveling exclusively by leased jet aircraft instead of commercial airlines." Ashcroft started flying on the $40 million GulfStream 5 – at a cost to taxpayers of $1600 an hour – because of an FBI threat assessment. But the FBI would not say "what the threat was, when it was detected or who made it." The jet was supposed to be "for use in special investigations and for the transport of terrorists and other dangerous suspects." Months after 9/11, in an attempt to deflect criticism, a Justice Department spokesman said the threat was about "nonspecific threats against Ashcroft's life." (See Ashcroft's own ramblings on the subject in this video). But the FBI threat assessment has never been made public. Until Ashcroft releases the document, questions about his conduct will persist. 

Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 13, 2004 - 12:46pm :: Politics