Doesn't seem like it went over very well

Resolve, With Few Details
Unapologetic Bush passes up chance to lay out map to his vision. – Dan Balz

Other Terror Warnings?
Panel cites a stream of alarming reports before the Sept. 11 attacks. – Dana Priest

Bush's Rosy Vision
In a nationally televised White House press conference Tuesday evening, President Bush sought to remind and reassure Americans during the bloodiest month in Iraq since major combat was declared over last May.

Under pressure, a leader stumbles in the spotlight
By Michael Tackett
Controlling the violent insurgency, or even the staid commission, are matters beyond the reach of President Bush, a chief executive with a penchant for internal administration discipline.

So Tuesday night he turned to a forum over which he had far greater control, a prime time East Room news conference, an event that typically proves beneficial for the holder of the Oval Office.

But the president who spoke repeatedly about being on a war footing hardly seemed sure-footed, even on questions that could scarcely be seen as overly aggressive.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 14, 2004 - 8:14am :: Politics