Just taking advantage of all the conveniently placed cameras, is all

What Awaits the G.O.P. in Convention

Published: April 19, 2004

IT was inevitable, but still it is always instructive to be reminded of the adaptability of our public officials. The Republicans are coming to New York, holding their convention from Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. Time for the Democrats to take a vacation? No way.

A few days ago, Representative Charles B. Rangel threatened to disrupt the convention if Washington Republicans did not modify a law requiring some public housing tenants to work in community service. "If they don't do it, they're going to have a hot time in the old town when they get here," Mr. Rangel said at a news conference at City Hall on Friday.

Yesterday, he elaborated over the phone: "My position is that this is once again the arrogance of the Republican Party, which the mayor is a member of. The mayor is so proud of his newly acquired Republican credentials that it would seem to me that since this provision by anyone's interpretation is strictly a political shot to show the poor should be working, he should be our messenger."

Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 19, 2004 - 2:01pm :: Politics