"Ardent" means "responds by reflex instead of analysis"

Republican battle in Pennsylvania primary could threaten Bush's hopes of re-election (21 Apr 04)

…For the moderate Mr Specter, who is seeking a fifth six-year term in the Senate, his upstart conservative rival - currently a sitting Congressman - is "not far right, he's far out". To which Mr Toomey, pro-life, anti-tax and an ardent de-regulator, replies by calling himself the candidate of "the Republican wing of the Republican party".

The race, according to a new survey, could hardly be closer. Only 10 days ago Mr Specter enjoyed a massive financial advantage and a comfortable 15 per cent lead in the polls. The margin has now shrunk to 5 per cent among likely Republican primary voters, in statistical terms a virtual dead heat.

So much importance does the White House attach to the result that Mr Bush turned out for a Specter fundraiser in Pittsburgh on Monday. But the momentum is with Mr Toomey. While Mr Specter has been forced to spend $7m (£3.9m), half his total campaign war chest, his opponent has been raking in money from ultra-conservative Republican groups.

These efforts appear to be paying dividends. In the new poll, 51 per cent of respondents described Mr Specter as "too liberal", while only 14 per cent said they considered Mr Toomey too conservative.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 22, 2004 - 5:12am :: Politics