Glad I missed that one

Kevin Drum raised the class vs. race based affirmative action question. Again. And Cobb's reaction is pretty much on point. However, since Kevin has been correct on racially charged topics often enough that I'm willing to let the occasional error slide, I'll say a bit more than that.

Affirmative action does not exist to correct any flaw in Black folks. It was created because at one point white folks didn't know how to hire Black folks (and, as became obvious later, other designated minorities), because white folks actively and passively, consciously and unconsciously, denied the racism in their behavior and judgments. Affirmative action was created to address the flaws in white people's practices.

Until white folks get over their racism entirely the reason for race-based affirmative action programs continue to be valid.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 23, 2004 - 8:36pm :: Race and Identity

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Well put.

I'm a 41 year old white guy from upstate South Carolina. Sound typical? Nah, don't let my color and origin fool ya.

Raised by a father who detested bigotry in all forms, I am my father's son. Seen it all my life, never laughed at the jokes, and never could understand WHY people look down on entire groups.

Not only that, but I'm agnostic, living in Bible central. Again, because of who I am, I take great care to separate well deserved slams of people who want to run my life, from slams at the faith they *claim* to follow.

Black, white green or purple, straight or gay, whatever: if you're a decent person, you're a decent person. Period.

Maybe someday, America will grow up.

Posted by  Michael Miller (not verified) on April 23, 2004 - 9:32pm.