Somehow I fail to recall their involvement in getting Cheney's secret energy task force to open its meetings and records

The NLPC's mission seem to be to undercut organized labor and Jesse Jackson whenever possible.

Coca-Cola Company Urged to Ditch Jesse Jackson
By Susan Jones Morning Editor
April 22, 2004

( - A group that monitors corporate ethics says the Coca-Cola Co. is "finding out the hard way" that cooperating with the Rev. Jesse Jackson -- and contributing to his Rainbow/PUSH Coalition -- doesn't stop Jackson from complaining or protesting.

Peter Flaherty, president of the National Legal and Policy Center, is urging the Coca-Cola board of directors to stop giving money -- and stop making policy concessions -- to Jackson.

The National Legal and Policy Center has been monitoring what it calls Jackson's "shakedown" tactics for years.

In 2001, the NLPC filed a formal IRS complaint against Jesse Jackson's Citizenship Education Fund, alleging that it violated several tax code provisions. The complaint is still pending.

In 2002, Toyota stopped public support for Jackson's organizations in response to an NLPC request.

In 2003, NASCAR ended its support for Jackson, apparently in response to an NLPC-led protest, which generated extensive media attention and mobilized thousands of NASCAR fans.

In late 2003, the New York Stock Exchange denied Jackson use of the Exchange floor for a fundraising event, in response to NLPC pressure.

NLPC, as part of its mission to support ethics in public life, sponsors both corporate and government integrity projects. In 1993, NLPC successfully sued Hillary Rodham Clinton's secret health care task force to open its meetings and records.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 25, 2004 - 10:39am :: Race and Identity