Religion on the brain
Thank you for the invitation.
Understand that from my perspective there is no issue of a master's religion. I don't worship, I participate. When I think of religion at all it's usually because I'm amazed by the shallowness of its pursuit by most folks. And the conflict…I have studied more religions and philosophies than most people know exist and the core behavior they all call for is much the same…yet people go to war over whether Krishna, Jehovah or Quetzoquatl said be good. And as far as joining any church, one might as well join the He-Man Woman Haters Club in that you get some socializing and some rules and some hierarchy, and still have to figure out what to do next.
Frankly, religion is not an active issue, positive or negative, in my life so there's little point in my going through all that text. But I do appreciate the invitation.