We haven't forgotten Valerie Plame either

Prosecutor Named to Probe Senate Files Case
By Helen Dewar
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, April 27, 2004; Page A04

The Justice Department tapped a U.S. attorney from New York yesterday to investigate whether laws were violated when two Senate Republican aides accessed Democratic computer files on strategy for blocking President Bush's judicial nominations.

The probe will be conducted by David Kelley, the acting U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York -- a choice that appeared to satisfy Democrats, who had pushed for a tough prosecutor who would conduct an aggressive probe free of influence from Washington.

In a letter to Judiciary Committee leaders, Assistant Attorney General William E. Moschella called Kelley an "experienced prosecutor of the highest integrity and independence" and added, "We are confident the investigation will be handled in a thorough, fair, impartial and professional manner."

Kelley took his current position after his predecessor, James B. Comey Jr., left to become deputy U.S. attorney general. Senate Democratic staffers said Kelley is a Democrat.

The department's action came in response to a three-month investigation by Senate Sergeant-at-Arms William H. Pickle, who found early last month that the two GOP staffers systematically downloaded and leaked thousands of Democratic files dealing with judicial nominations.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 26, 2004 - 11:05pm :: Politics