If she don't catch the same kind of crap as Hillary...

Shriver Wields Growing Influence
California's first lady emerges as a powerful partner with her governor husband. 'Arnold and I are a team,' she says.
By Peter Nicholas
Times Staff Writer

April 29, 2004

SACRAMENTO — Bobby Shriver wolfed down a burger at a restaurant near his office in Beverly Hills as he took stock of what's ahead for his little sister, his brother-in-law and the state of California.

There's a $14-billion budget shortfall and difficult decisions about raising taxes, cutting spending or both. "The honeymoon is over," he said, but no one should underestimate Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger or Maria Shriver. "Arnold's a very hard-headed guy, and Maria's a very hard-headed girl. And they're going to make something work," he said.

Arnold and Maria. Since the recall election six months ago, the governor's office at times has seemed as much hers as his. Shriver is rapidly emerging as a full — if unelected — partner with her husband in running California.

Some lawmakers confide that when they can't get the answer they want from Schwarzenegger's administration, they go to Shriver. Many briefing papers are passed to Shriver. Political strategy can be vetted by Shriver. Some job candidates interview with Shriver. Legislative diplomacy is a Shriver staple.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 29, 2004 - 9:32am :: Politics