Eating my own dog foodOkay,

Eating my own dog food

Okay, the article editor for my blogging tool is finally done except for hot-keys for text formattion (bold, italic), which I can pretty much tag on there at the end. I finally figured out how I want to handle templates and I'll be coding that today while watching talking heads on TV. So assuming everything goes well, this I'll start a new section on the software tools and libraries I use, published using the tools I'm developing. Not open source per se, because I'm using a commercial library I own for the article editor. But I'll be using some open source stuff, MPL exclusively, which I'll Identify, discuss, etc.

Just as well. Right now Blogger is having problems with a template server, so this won't be getting published for a minute.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 4/13/2003 08:03:23 AM |

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 13, 2003 - 8:03am :: Old Site Archive