First the dime, now the university...y'all ready to let them folks alone yet?

Nancy vetoes 'Ronald Reagan University'

DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- Nancy Reagan is just saying no to the idea of a Ronald Reagan University in Colorado.

Organizers wanted to name a proposed 10,000-student university after the former president, but his wife issued a statement Thursday effectively killing the idea.

"We do not support the creation of a separate university," she said.

Federal law gives former presidents or their spouses final say over the use of the president's name as long as either is alive, said Terry Walker, the founding president of the university.

The rejection was a shock, Walker said.

"I'm just sitting here watching Fox News and recovering with a scotch in my hand. When I wake up tomorrow, maybe I'll think about it some more," he said.

This is going to sound crass, but I can't help but wonder how many of Reagan's supporters will feel bittersweet when the Reagans pass. It's obvious they want to use his name and just as obvious Nancy ain't having it. When they pass, the Ronald Reagan Memorial University will return, I'm sure.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 30, 2004 - 2:15pm :: Politics