Our greatest ally

Quote of note:

The Ministry of Defence confirmed the man had approached military police to discuss the claims.

…because the Mirror looks vaguely tabloid-ish, and

I hope no-one has forgotten that last year a soldier from the 1st Royal Regiment of Fusiliers was arrested while trying to develop pictures he had taken of Iraqi prisoners being abused. The fact is that British soldiers have abused prisoners in Iraq. Whether the Mirror pictures are genuine or fake is not the most important question here. Even if they're fake, there's no reason to believe that the abuse suddenly stopped after the one case that came to light last year.
Jim, Cambridge

from the comments the BBC received on this story. Thought if they are correct about the published comments representing the balance of all comments received, the British are truly our natural allies because they are as much in denial about this as were.

New 'Iraq abuse witness' quizzed
The Royal Military Police have interviewed a soldier who has made fresh allegations that British troops have been abusing Iraqi prisoners.

The soldier is the third linked with the Queen's Lancashire Regiment to have made allegations to the Mirror.

Editor Piers Morgan said the soldier's dossier of claims included "appalling beatings" by a small "rogue element".

Mr Morgan said a handful of soldiers, including corporals and sergeants, were thought to be to blame.

In an interview with the BBC, he said the soldier had detailed four separate incidents of beatings, and could name the people he believed were responsible.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 7, 2004 - 12:25pm :: War