I read a post at


Andrew Sullivan's joint????

Looking at Technorati's NewsTalk I saw he linked to The Misunderestimated Man - How Bush chose stupidity. By Jacob Weisberg and had to see why, given his worship of Dubya.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "After half a lifetime of this kind of frustration, Bush decided to straighten up. Nursing a hangover at a 40th-birthday weekend, he gave up Wild Turkey, cold turkey. With the help of Billy Graham, he put himself in the hands of a higher power and began going to church. He became obsessed with punctuality and developed a rigid routine. Thus did Prince Hal molt into an evangelical King Henry. And it worked! Putting together a deal to buy the Texas Rangers, the ne'er-do-well finally tasted success. With success, he grew closer to his father, taking on the role of family avenger. This culminated in his 1994 challenge to Texas Gov. Ann Richards, who had twitted dad at the 1992 Democratic convention.
Curiously, this late arrival at adulthood did not involve Bush becoming in any way thoughtful. Having chosen stupidity as rebellion, he stuck with it out of conformity. The promise-keeper, reformed-alkie path he chose not only drastically curtailed personal choices he no longer wanted, it also supplied an all-encompassing order, offered guidance on policy, and prevented the need for much actual information. Bush's old answer to hard questions was, 'I don't know and, who cares.' His new answer was, 'Wait a second while I check with Jesus.'" - Jake Weisberg, in old, vicious form (it's the Jake I remember when we were fellow interns at TNR), in Slate.

Yeah, Andy. Vicious.

But undeserved? Or even simply denied?

Not even YOU went there…

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 7, 2004 - 1:21pm :: Seen online