Which reminds me...

David Neiwert at Orcinus has a hella long post up that I'm not even trying to excerpt. But the Shorter™ version would read like:

Let's drop all the rhetoric and bullshit, and get back to fact-checking their asses


Only I (personally) have to prepare for the post-election world. This election is not going to be about the needs of minorities. To me it's only about removing a a group of people whose plans are disruptive to real conservatives and real libertarians as much as real progressives.

I am convinced that minorities will make no progress while the Bushista philosophy reigns…not even so much out of racism as out of the fact that the continuation of their influence requires the continuation of the current state of affairs. I am convinced the bottom 95% of the economic pile will make little to no progress for the same reason. Add to this that minorities defines minority issues as "issues of concern to minorities" while the mainstream defines it as "issues we have with minorities" and you'll understand why I will drop all this electioneering crap as soon as I feel the election process has moved from the free will phase to the destiny phase.

There will be plenty facts for me to check, and lots of asses presenting them.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 8, 2004 - 1:55pm :: Seen online