Fair Warning

Adam Felber at Fanatical Apathy:

Political Gain
From CNN, today:

Criticism of Rumsfeld has grown stronger all week...

Some Republicans, however, said they believe Democrats are using this scandal to score political points.

"They want to win the White House more than they want to win the war, and our enemies know it," charged House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas.

It had to be said, and thank god Tom DeLay and his friends had the guts to stand up and say it.

There's a dangerous trend at work in the country today. Some shameless activists are trying to point to the actual actions of the administration as a tool to convince the American public that they ought to vote for someone else this fall. If this trend isn't stopped, it could hinder the war effort and have dire implications for our democracy.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 9, 2004 - 1:05am :: Politics