More evidence Ampersand is a Black Nationalist, I guess

Quote of note:

God damn it. You know, I'm not sure if the flip tone of this post is appropriate, but the truth is I'm trembling with fury about this, and if I try to write about it without being flip I'd just end up posting a string of swear words, so deal with it.

I did a nexus search; no major paper in Oregon even reported on the rather astounding fact that the DAs put an expert witness for the defense in front of the grand jury.

There's no way a white person would have been shot the way James Perez (or Kendra James before him, or Jose Poot before her) was shot. And if by some miracle a white person was shot on a pretext pull-over, there's no way the Portland DA's office would cheat the grand jury system to make sure that the cops were spared the discomfort of a trial. And if that did happen, the mainstream papers would at least report it.

Kill a negro? We'll get you off!, say racist Portland DAs John Bradley and Mike Schrunk
posted by ampersand

So here's how it works: Let's imagine two cops spot a negro driving a flashy car (one of the cops later testified that he was made suspicious by seeing a "luxury" car which "stood out a great deal in the area"). The negro then made a turn but activated his turn signal only 30 feet in advance, rather than 100 feet, so the cops decided to pull him over. (I'm sure white people get pulled over for things like that all the time.)

Once pulled over, the negro (who may have been on drugs, which justifies everything the cops did) is acting weird and is slow to respond to orders. One cop opens the car door and grabs him. Then, the negro jams his hand into his pocket. The other cop orders him to take his hand out of his pocket. But when the negro starts taking his hand out of his pocket, the cop panics and shoots. From Willamette Week:

"I remember starting to scream, 'I'm going to shoot I'm going to shoot. Get your hand out. I'm going to shoot.'

"I remember seeing the top of his hand come out of his pocket," recalled Sery, adding that it appeared clenched, "and that's when I made the decision to shoot."

So he shot the negro three times in the chest from six feet away, and then his partner tasered the corpse. But then it turns out that the now-dead negro was unarmed.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 11, 2004 - 5:50pm :: Race and Identity

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The negro then made a turn but activated his turn signal only 30 feet in advance, rather than 100 feet, so the cops decided to pull him over. (I'm sure white people get pulled over for things like that all the time.)

Why, yes. This happens to me at least once a week.


So the cops screamed for the guy to take his hand out of his pocket, and when he *started to* comply, they shot him.

Makes sense to me.

[/sarcasm again]

It's very frustrating that some things seem likely to never change. And this kind of bias killing by cops is one of them. If the "41 shots" in NYC couldn't cause people to see what's wrong in these cases, then I'm afraid nothing will.

Posted by  bhw (not verified) on May 12, 2004 - 12:53am.