There should be some way for me to take advantage of this

Man, 290 hits already. at 11:am.

In a way, I am taking advantage; Sitemeter says my page views per visit have remained constant during this surge, and I got a really flattering email from someone who, I suspect, was on that search. Given that most folks who come in looking for a video of the poor unfortunate look at one page and go, that means people who came and found it interesting here really found it interesting.

And I was already having one of those temporary surges based on referrals from OSP, Blogcritrics and the folks in the "My Heroes" list that blogged about it (to which I have to add Don at Nightcrawler, sorry dude, but not even a Chaos Lord is perfect). It may be largely those who came in by that method who read 5-10 pages at a clip.

Looks like Joe's plan to shame me into silence backfired. But it never works on people who have no self-doubt.

Meanwhile, someone spent five minutes trying to find out "which christian values does Prometheus uphold." I can't picture what inspired such a search, but I can answer it for the sixth reification.


Christians don't own the values.

Now, if the question were "which values do both christian and Prometheus uphold" I'd consider responding in detail.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 12, 2004 - 11:00am :: Seen online