Call Van Helsing! It's Frankenfood!

Fear and technology

Agricultural giant Monsanto has announced that it is halting plans to sell the world's first genetically engineered wheat.

In a statement, the company blamed a 25 percent drop in demand for wheat. (The Atkin's diet strikes again?) But industry observers speculate the company was bowing to pressure from American farmers who fretted that wheat buyers in Europe and Japan wouldn't buy the wheat because of heated consumer opposition to genetically modified foods. Even worse, some buyers threatened not to buy any U.S. wheat over concerns that the GM-wheat might get mixed in with nongenetically modified wheat. That intermingling is hardly an idle worry. Recently, there have been reports from Mexico that modified corn from the U.S. has somehow appeared in cornfields there.

Of course, Monsanto's concern is their precious monstrosity falling into the public domain.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 12, 2004 - 11:19am :: Health