Then don't make yourself such a big fat target, Rush

LIMBAUGH: And there's this new website that the Libs have set up out there, and one of the things they have is a couple of guys that transcribe this program, and they select certain out -- outtakes or excerpts, and they put them on the Website, and it's become a clearinghouse for Lib propaganda.

The sound you hear in the background

LIMBAUGH: And never once have I been asked for detail, context, explanation. No one has asked me anything about -- and just because they don't want to know anymore than -- because that quote is just fine for their agenda-driven purposes.

…is The World's Smallest Violin

LIMBAUGH: Here I am. Who -- who am I? I am a radio talk show host. I am a kid from Missouri who wanted to be on the radio. And now, all -- that's all I've ever wanted to do. I've wanted to be the best at what I am and the best at what I do. True. But on the radio.

…playing The World's Saddest Song.

LIMBAUGH: Now, all of a sudden, I have to be discredited in order for the Left to win. I have to be discredited for their agenda to gain primacy in this whole story. And so that Skull and Bones quote is everywhere. And it's being asked of everybody. "Do you condemn Limbaugh?" Not one of the people who has been asked to condemn me has bothered to get hold of me to say, "What the hell?"

You do hear it, don't you?

Heh. This whine is so cheesy, it's damn near a complete meal.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 12, 2004 - 9:36pm :: Seen online