
Hal is da bomb, yo. Compare this to that lame Limbaugh wimpering downpage.

So the next time you think you can come up with any justification of torture, just think about this. We all have to die sometime. And if living another 20 to 40 years means that I have to apply unbearable pressure to another human being to maybe, probably not, kinda, coulda, possibly get some pertinent information which may save a hundred thousand lives. . . Well, you're just going to have to count me out. It's not worth it. I'll look at you right in the eyes and wish you good bye as the bomb goes off. I'd rather die a human than have that crap on my soul before I leave.

And if you think that this is the easy choice - the wimpy choice - then I just have two words for you: Fuck You. Bite me and bite me hard, you undisciplined and pathetically weak thing. You've been given a large brain by mistake. The use you make of it can be easily accommodated by a spinal cord. Evolve for goodness sake.

For three years we've done nothing but take the easy way out. The way of least pain. We've let a sociopathic administration screw us over more than the last 10 administrations combined. And why? Because we're scared? Because we're lashing out in frustration?

Well get with the program. This isn't a game. We are over extended or depleted in pretty much every category that matters. Don't talk to me of repainted schools, or the occasional Afghanistan capitalist success story. Get a scale, dude, and make use of it. Start looking at the bigger picture where we're faced with the uncomfortable choice between another three decades of living hell or a long, hard slog of doing it the right way (or whatever approximation we can achieve).

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 12, 2004 - 10:57pm :: War