I'm raiding this site for links

About blackfeminism.org
What it is
A group weblog and discussion space for issues of gender, race, class and culture.

Why the site?
There has not been a comprehensive resource for black feminism on the web. Because it is a growing area of study and social analysis, resources — particularly online — have been very dispersed.

Okay, but what is black feminism? How is it different from feminism?
Feminism examines relationships and inequalities between men and women. But the history of the movement has been rooted in the white, middle and upper-middle class experience.

Black feminism looks at how race affects gender relations and how gender affects race relations. And because so many black women are also affected by poverty, many black feminists add class to the equation.

Black feminism is also inherently activist. But at the same time, it is very personal.

Want to gain a greater understanding of black feminism? Start with these resources (this is obviously NOT a comprehensive list):

HELL, naw I'm not giving you the links. Check the site.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 13, 2004 - 8:54am :: Race and Identity