Let's take stock for a moment

Objective proof the Bushistas just make shit up? Let's see. The FBI and CIA are broken and don't communicate anyway.

Our humint is insufficient and even that which we have is provided by ex-patriots with an axe to grind and a nose for personal power.

Extra! Read Nothing About It
By William Powers
William Powers is the media critic for the National Journal.

May 14, 2004

"I've stopped reading the newspapers," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Thursday in Baghdad to a gathering of soldiers, who broke out in rousing applause.

It was a joke. Or was it? After all, this is not exactly an administration of news junkies. The president himself admitted last year he "rarely" reads news stories, relying instead on the more "objective sources" on his staff to tell him what's happening in the world. (Truth be told, White House staffers often outshine real journalists. That story they did about the African uranium was unforgettable, like a great novel.)

And our government officials don't read the newspaper.

No wonder things are so munged up.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 14, 2004 - 7:58am :: Politics