You oughta be in pictures

First errata: As part of this post I copied over a table of links to anti-Bush documentary movies. One of them, Bush's Brain, was actually to the book. Michael Shoob, one of the guys who made the film, dropped by the comments with the correct URL, The table in the original post has been corrected, but I didn't take out the book link. I added the movie link and an indication of which is which.

Next:In order to make up for the error, I direct your attention to the trailers for the movie.

There's two versions of the trailer, a four meg high resolution Quicktime and a 780k low res one.

Finally, and amusingly, comes this Quicktime (broadband, dial-up) recruitment for True Majority, which has several humorous yet informative projects going.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 18, 2004 - 6:40am