What's a conservative?An anonymous contributer

by Prometheus 6
May 30, 2003 - 2:12pm.
on Old Site Archive

What's a conservative?

An anonymous contributer to African American News&Issues took the question to a whole 'nother place than I did. I think the question should be asked, though. And it would be best asked by the non-extremists in the Republican party.

from African American News&Issues

What?s a Conservative?
Republicans fulfill biblical prophecy about ?the poor?
African-American News&Issues

It is written in the Holy Bible of America?s Judea-Christian Republic, ?? the poor always ye have with you??- John 12:8. Thus, inasmuch as there are an overwhelming consensuses of politically monolithic made in America Africans that vote the straight Democratic ticket (truly believing that an ultra-conservative Republican party is committed to fulfilling Jesus? ambiguous prophecy), which have cause to pause and ponder, ?What?s a conservative?? No, that?s not a misstatement, or poor grammar. The academic question is not who?s a conservative, or what?s conservatism? It, indeed, is: ?What?s a conservative??

On the other hand, the query evidentially is proper, insofar as Webster?s Dictionary defines ?conservatism,? as ?a disposition in politics to preserve what is established.? And further defines a ?conservative, ? as one ?tending or having power to conserve; (loosely) moderately estimated, understated?n one of the political party that desires to preserve the institutions of the country against innovation.? You can?t explain it much better than that, but apparently it confuses, at least one of our estimated 2 million readers (not counting multitudes that access our Web page: www.aframnews.com, who simply fails to grasp the concept of a Black, conservative Republican. For obvious reason, our intellectual watcher on the wall chose to remain anonymous.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/30/2003 02:12:32 PM |