Get 'em all with one grenade

If you're a Black Republican…well, I don't know what you're doing here. You should be at Cobb's joint.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 18, 2004 - 10:03pm :: Race and Identity

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Ahhaha. That cracked me up man. But you know, now they'll have to use two. One for the liberals and a MOAB for the distinguished folks on the other side of the aisle.

Posted by  Cobb (not verified) on May 18, 2004 - 10:48pm.

Only because that's where all the white folks are.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on May 18, 2004 - 11:25pm.

I can hardly wait to see how this one later gets misinterpreted ;-)

Posted by  Al-Muhajabah (not verified) on May 19, 2004 - 12:38am.

Funny, I share all of those same values and i don't feel the smallest amount of need to become a Republican or conservative. In fact, the current Republican party mocks all of those values today. They may be part of their platform but you can't find them giving much more than lip service to get votes.

And is Cobb really placing himself in the same league as Baldilocks? I don't always agree with Cobb but at least I feel his views are well thought out and reasoned. Baldilocks just spouts the latest righty sound bite with no substance.

Posted by  walter (not verified) on May 19, 2004 - 1:43am.


I can hardly wait to see how this one later gets misinterpreted ;-)

It could be interesting.


It's a matter of political expediency. Like although Joe Taylor has been verbally beaten all about the head and shoulders, I haven't repudiated him across the board.

Frankly if he is to have the impact he's looking for he'll need something resembling numbers. In the USofA you're heard only to the extent that you have a constituency.

You know, I think of Cobb and remember the Black Conservatives© that were trotted out to talk about how the Republicans were had to respond the Trent Lott's mouf…then put back in the trunk until they were needed again.

The Republican and Conservative parties have issues with Black folks and Cobb feels he can get them to deal with Black issues. Confidence? Delusion? Don't know, but my opinion is "mix and stir gently."

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on May 19, 2004 - 6:00am.

Actually, Earl should be commended for advocating sound economic theory. It's a refreshing change from those claiming that wasting handgrenades can be justified on grounds of eliminating Republican(s).

Posted by  dof (not verified) on May 19, 2004 - 8:42am.

I'm glad you recognize the balanced position I'm taking, man.

as a side note, I MUST install smileys for the comments...

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on May 19, 2004 - 8:50am.

I just trotted back over here to see if some troll named Bernard had taken shelter under the eaves of P6. It's a pleasure to see that he hasn't.

The issue is numbers to a certain degree, but then again, I'm a black software entreprenuer who can breakdance. If I was worried about being a minority within a fraction of a smidgen of a minority, then I would have eaten the Glock long ago.

There is a question of whether or not a grass roots black conservative political view will get the respect it deserves from either party (anywhere actually). For me, it's the Republicans or bust.

Hmm. you just reminded me of something. In highschool, I was captain of the diving team. I gotta publish that picture.

Posted by  Cobb (not verified) on May 19, 2004 - 3:02pm.

I just trotted back over here to see if some troll named Bernard had taken shelter under the eaves of P6. It's a pleasure to see that he hasn't.

Just curious: how can you tell?

There is a question of whether or not a grass roots black conservative political view will get the respect it deserves from either party (anywhere actually).

Seriously, as long as it's associated with Republicanism I doubt it. Even most Republicans see the Republican party as having a problem with minorities.

For me, it's the Republicans or bust.

That's what I don't understand.

See, at this point both parties have achieved the Nietzchean condition wherein an organization of noble intent devolves into a vehicle to power. And I've seen how the Republican leadership wields power.





And with no regard for consequences, executing a agenda that works to the detriment of the majority of folks. Black folks, being more vulnerable, can less afford the damage.

It's like a D&D roll playing session. You start with standard attributes, join the Negro subrace, take -5 charisma among normals…And yes, you can still ascend the power levels until you can slay dragons with a single blow.

But what the Republicans have in mind ain't no game, and the hit points don't come out of your character, they come out of your hide.

You still my dawg though. I tell folks you're the Republican I'd be if I lost my fucking mind. You should see the look of horror that crosses their face when they imagine it…it's priceless.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on May 19, 2004 - 3:22pm.

I have lost my fucking mind. I'm expecting something other than corruption in American politics.

It's the Republicans or bust because the Democrats do nothing for me. Whether or not it's practically true (because I could get hit by a truck tomorrow), the Dems are not working in my class interests. If I find that the benefits of playing power politics with Republican chums is too caustic to my sense of integrity, I am perfectly willing to give up politics altogether, which is to say be an ordinary Joe who only votes.

Posted by  Cobb (not verified) on May 19, 2004 - 10:52pm.

I'm expecting something other than corruption in American politics.

But what are you getting? I'm not pretending racism is over, why should I pretend corruption is over?

Whether or not it's practically true (because I could get hit by a truck tomorrow), the Dems are not working in my class interests.

Responding to this almost became the focus of next week's posts.

I believe I could make clear to you why your Conservative Black movement will not connect with the Black communities across the economic board and therefore why (as you've already expressed concern about) it will not be taken seriously on either side of the political veil. But you're too damn quick a study.

Posted by  P6 (not verified) on May 20, 2004 - 9:09am.