I just lost all respect for George Bush


Junior's been a lost cause ever since he suggested I put food on my family.

Swell affair at a grand a head as Dad speaks up to boost Bush campaign

Patrick Barkham
Wednesday May 19, 2004
The Guardian

As every high spending teenager knows, when the overdraft gets big it is best to call in Dad. And so it was that George Bush senior brought a presidential outreach project to London last night in a bid to drum up more dollars for his son's presidential re-election campaign, which has already broken all fundraising records.

Amid tight security, an audience dominated by American expats paid $1,000 (£566) a head to hear the first President Bush appeal for more money for George W at the five-star Landmark hotel in Marylebone, London.

Must have run out of American suckers.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 19, 2004 - 8:53am :: Politics