
I have to quote an old Uppity-Negro post:

Any Log Cabin Republicans out there care to comment on this? Come on, don't be shy. You're already incredibly fucking stupid, don't add to your flaws.

GOP Tells Gay Republicans 'You're Not Wanted'
by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff
Posted: May 19, 2004 5:03 pm. ET

(Raleigh, North Carolina) Gay Republicans have been told they are not welcome at the party's state convention this weekend. The state's Log Cabin Republicans had requested a table to display its literature at the convention, but Ferrell Blount, the Chairman of the GOP in North Carolina rejected the group and in a letter to Log Cabin accused the LCR of disloyalty.

LCG "advocates special rights and privileges for homosexuals," wrote Blount. "It openly opposes President Bush’s call for a constitutional amendment to protect the sanctity of marriage as being the union between one man and one woman."

Blount pointed to the party platform that says "Republicans believe that a two-parent family, where a husband and wife live in harmony in one home, provides the ideal environment for raising children and is the best model for family life. We praise the courageous efforts of single parents who work hard to provide stable homes, and we recognize that single parents often succeed and two-parent families sometimes fail. We, therefore, oppose efforts to redefine the traditional family structure and offer the Republican Party as a refuge fore everyone concerned with about the breakdown of family life in America."

Ed Farthing, the chair of the North Carolina Log Cabin Republicans called Blount's position "discouraging".

"It appears to be you have to be a white, Anglo-Saxon married Protestant for the Party to pay any attention to you," Farthing told 365Gay.com.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 20, 2004 - 5:44am :: Race and Identity