Getting numb from overexposure, maybe

Hot Seat Grows Lukewarm Under Capital's Fog of War

WASHINGTON, May 19 — The commander of American forces in the Middle East, Gen. John P. Abizaid, showed up early for his engagement with the Senate Armed Services Committee on Wednesday morning. As he sat at the witness table, looking over his opening statement on the prison abuse scandal in Iraq, one of the Republicans on the committee stopped by to commiserate.

"The press accounts are just unreal," said the committee member, Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas, shaking his head in disgust. "It's been a landslide of criticism." He urged General Abizaid to set the story straight and promised to do his part once the questioning began.

"I'll throw you a couple of softballs," Mr. Roberts whispered.

He made good on that promise, but General Abizaid barely needed the help. On paper, the hearing had the makings of a classic Washington confrontation — three generals with nine stars among them making their first public appearance to atone for a scandal — but not even the Democratic critics on the committee managed any moments of drama for the television cameras.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 20, 2004 - 6:08am :: War