This is some funny shit

via Taegan Goddard's Political Wire

Blog Scandal On Capitol Hill
"The office of straight-laced Ohio Sen. Mike DeWine (R) became the epicenter of salacious Capitol Hill gossip Wednesday, when it surfaced that an entry-level DeWine staffer apparently had been chronicling her steamy sex life on an Internet weblog," the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports.

"The blog was removed from public view after another Washington blog, known as, linked to some of the racier passages from the DeWine employee's online diary. The passages detailed the woman's affairs with several men, purporting to include a married (but unnamed) chief-of-staff in a federal agency, and discussed being paid for sex."

But even better:

Update: A replica of the now defunct Washingtonienne blog has been reproduced from the Google cache.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 20, 2004 - 7:55pm :: Seen online