Barack Obama

Even though he's not "a fiery leader who pounds his fists" (and that is still a curiously turned phrase to me), I just dropped the brother's blog into the sidebar.

Couple of thoughts occurred to me.
1- If Kerry got a face lift and a serious tan he'd resemble Obama
2- I'm wondering how certain old-school folks feel about a Black Liberal that so thoroughly embodies Old School values.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 20, 2004 - 11:13pm :: Politics

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Obama's rep in Illimois politics is a good one - most ppl that far to the Left ( some of Chicago's congressional delegation comes to mind) are generally looked at by my side of the aisle as combative, untrustworthy, knee-jerk, a-holes. Obama however is reminiscient of Paul Simon - his integrity/decency is a known factor even when you think he's off his rocker on a particular issue.

Win or lose he has a bright future in politics.

Posted by  mark safranski (not verified) on May 21, 2004 - 12:02pm.