When the budget is so politicized you can always find $150 million or so when you need to

Extra $150 Million Is Found to Pay for Housing for the Poor

Published: May 21, 2004

The nation's top housing official told Congress yesterday that the federal government had unearthed an extra $150 million to help housing agencies absorb cuts to the government's main housing program for poor Americans.

Alphonso Jackson, secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, told the House Financial Services Committee that the money would be divided among 525 agencies, or about one-fifth of those that participate in what is popularly known as the Section 8 voucher program. But it was not immediately clear from either HUD or some of the agencies that stood to be the most affected, especially in New York City, how the money would be divided and whether the $150 million would cover the projected shortfall.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 21, 2004 - 8:03am :: War