This is ridiculous. It's the only suitable word.

via Josh Marshal

Barack Obama is the Democratic candidate for the open seat and his opponent is Republican Jack Ryan. For the last ten days, according to the Chicago Sun-Times, Ryan has had a campaign staffer, Justin Warfel, follow Obama with a video camera all day.

And I mean, all day.

Not only does he record Obama's public appearances, he tails Obama in his car; he follows him into restrooms; he stays a couple feet behind him when he's walking in public; he waits outside his office and pesters his secretary. And he heckles Obama at public appearances.

The Chicago Sun-Times asked Ryan's campaign manager if this was appropriate ...

But Jason Miller, Ryan's campaign manager, insisted Obama's public movements are fair game and the point is to make sure Obama doesn't contradict himself with his public statements.

"If he's having a phone conversation, then Justin is not trying to tap into the conversation or record what he is saying or something like that," Miller said. "He's monitoring because you never know when ... a reporter comes up and starts asking questions."

The State's Republican Senate Minority Leader disagreed. "I don't care if you're in public life or who you are," Frank Watson (R-Greenville) told the Sun-Times. "You deserve your space, your privacy. I don't think it's appropriate."

Someone should see if this can be dealt with as stalking. I mean, suppose this cameraman followed Jodi Foster into the bathroom? And since the staffer is acting at the Ryan's direction, he should be culpable as well.

Now if it were me, I'd mention it in my next speech and promise to kick the shit out of anyone that follows me into the bathroom. Now do so, and I'll prove I keep my campaign promises.

But I guess that would make him a fiery leader who pounds his fists. Damn shame. Not to mention a major reason I'd never run for office.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on May 21, 2004 - 2:57pm :: Politics

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I live downstate, and this was front page news in the paper...complete with a picture of Obama climbing steps in the Capitol with his shadow (camera in hand) following him. The guy really is two steps behind him.

I think the real idea is to piss off Obama, get him to punch the guy...use the ensuing footage in a negative campaign. After all, Jack Ryan is going to have enough problems trying to get negative focus off of him if his divorce records are ever released to the public....there's a lot of rumors in the naked Statehouse....

Obama's doing the right thing, keeping it cool. He's a class act. If anything, this will increase his number of votes, especially downstate. This 'strategy' is going to backfire on Ryan. Good!!

Posted by  amarettiXL (not verified) on May 21, 2004 - 5:43pm.