Well, isn't that special?

by Prometheus 6
May 24, 2004 - 12:01pm.
on War

'Time': Report to Congress short pages
By John Diamond and Laura Parker, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON ? The Pentagon sought Sunday to explain why some 2,000 pages were missing from a congressional copy of a classified report detailing the alleged acts of abuse by soldiers against Iraqi inmates at Abu Ghraib prison.
Pentagon spokesman Lawrence Di Rita issued a statement saying "if there is some shortfall in what was provided, it was an oversight." He was responding to a Time magazine report Sunday that about 2,000 of the report's 6,000 pages submitted to the Senate Armed Services Committee were missing. The report by Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba consists of a declassified summary and about 6,000 pages of classified annexes, including statements from witnesses, prison guards and military intelligence officials.