Oh GHOD. Now I'm agreeing

by Prometheus 6
May 31, 2003 - 9:45am.
on Old Site Archive

Oh GHOD. Now I'm agreeing with J.C. Watts

from the Wilmington Journal

Democrats Find ?Lot of Work to Do? for Black Voters
by Hazel Trice Edney
Originally posted 5/30/2003

WASHINGTON (NNPA)?In March, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee was well into the hiring of its top staff. Yet, of its first five employees, none were African-Americans.

A month later, the House of Representatives? new Select Committee on Homeland Security began hiring its staff. Likewise, the first five hires by the Democratic side of the committee had no African-Americans.

Each case, in the view of Black leaders, is typical of how Democrats are disloyal to their most loyal constituency.

… ?The Democrat leadership has said, ?Look, that?s the most loyal constituency that we have. Come hell or high water, they?re going to vote for us,?? Watts says. ?The Republican Party on the other hand has said, ?Look, the Democratic Party is going to get 90 plus percent of the Black vote, so we?ll have to win without it.?

?So, you?ve got 35 or 40 percent of the Black community out there in the twilight zone looking for a place to land,? Watts says. ?There?s enough blame to go around for both parties.?

Now that Republicans are aggressively seeking to improve their image in the Black community,

It is not an error that the last sentance quoted above ends in a comma. I was laughing at the idea so hard I just couldn't bring myself to quote any further. Apparently medical marijuana is in use in at least some Wilmington circles, though maybe not for medical purposes…

Still, Democrats should take no comfort in the fact that the Black community as a whole sees no sense in voting Republican—J. C. Watts' own father said a Black person who votes for a Republican is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders. I don't know if it's generally realized, but Black folks on the whole would rather vote for a candidate than against the other one. That's why Black voter turnout goes up when a candidate appeals to us… hell, we're used to being attacked. If Democrats don't address the Black community's issues we won't vote Republican. Most won't even vote Green. Most will just say "same old same old" and not vote… which, in practical terms means Democrats will not win.

The Black vote, for better or worse, is the Democratic Party's to win or lose.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 5/31/2003 09:45:33 AM |