Yes, I've been ignoring you

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 31, 2004 - 7:07pm.
on Tech

Partly because I did something blindingly stupid. But also because I had stuff to do.

This evening I've been making some decisions about the next project.It will not be the community site vaporware I mention periodically. It will be a reworking of The Public Library. See, I get a surprising number of visits…long, multi-page load visits…to the classic lit in there. And they've got to be some of the hardest pages on the web to read. For instance, each chapter is a single page. And it's all static text.

I have quite a bit more Black classics, a number of them from Project Gutenberg, and have links to other resources. I stopped posting them because static text would never be the really useful resource I want to create. Basically, I want the text broken up into more readable (and bookmarkable) chunks, and the whole mess should be searchable. Ideally it should meet a few slightly esoteric archive sorting requirements. Easy support, easy updating, and easy for a person without a lot of loose cash to set up. That narrows the options significantly. My enjoyment of fixes and patches is inversely proportionate to the number of them I must apply. I don't mind hacks; I prefer plugins; ideally, though, everything I need is available out of the box. That orders the options, Last consideration is learning curve, both for me and for anyone who I might hand the keys to.

A little more, a little later. I'm close to a design so I'm close to a decision.