Nigritude Ultramarine means "it's gonna be a little weird around here for a while"

There's this contest to see how high in the Google listings for "nigritude ultramarine" you can get a web page to show up. It's a two phase contest--first phase started a month ago, ends tomorrow and features an iPod as the prize. Second phase ends in another month and the prize is a flat screen monitor.

Now, I have little doubt that, in a field that has grown to half a million entries in 30 day, I have the proverbial snowball's chance in hell of winning. Anil Dash leaped into the fray two days ago, which means Big Bloggers will Likely Link.

But jumping in at the last minute is a typical expression of nigritude from The Ultramarine (As you see, I've taken on an alternate nickname. ). And it's an interesting experiment. Google has already dumped about 70,000 posts-the contest sponsors did a search Friday morning and came up wit 519,000 pages. Today I came up with some 448,000 (Correction: 436,000; seems Google is tweaking stuff on the fly).

Now, I'm not going to set up a special page for the term which seems to be the preferred approach. What I've done is put the post title in the <title> tag of my individual archives as God intended. I'll figure out how to work some nigritude into the place (although I'm sure some folks think there's too much here already).

Posted by Prometheus 6 on June 6, 2004 - 7:58am :: Seen online

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If they wanted to really use the word 'niggerati', I think you would have won, hands down.

Posted by  ej (not verified) on June 6, 2004 - 11:54am.