That doesn't mean they'll have any input in operations the US military chooses to undertake alone

by Prometheus 6
June 6, 2004 - 8:19pm.
on War

Allawi: Iraq Will Control Its Military
By EDITH M. LEDERER, Associated Press Writer

UNITED NATIONS - Iraq (news - web sites)'s new prime minister told the U.N. Security Council his government will solely control its armed forces and coordinate joint military operations and security policy "in full partnership" with the U.S.-led multinational force, according to a letter obtained Sunday by The Associated Press.

Iyad Allawi sent the letter as the council held a special meeting to discuss his view of Iraq's relationship with the multinational force and that of U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites). In a letter of response, Powell pledged that the American commander of the multinational force "will work in partnership with the sovereign government of Iraq in helping to provide security."

Council members were expected to receive a new draft on Monday of the resolution endorsing the transfer of sovereignty to Iraq's new interim government on June 30 and authorizing the multinational to help provide security during Iraq's political transition.

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